Tuesday, December 21, 2010

3 Year Invitation Wording

ME: 21. Are you the kind of an idea, writing, and provide the script path, or any

Posted Children of the O . Thank you to leave your comments on the main blog.

21. Are you the kind of an idea, writing, and provide the script path, or to plan everything before you start writing, even if eventually you have to divert your synopsis?

Ahah! THE question! Well the answer will be simple: I go on an adventure without really knowing where I go, and let the script take shape on the road. By cons, when I at the end of Volume or that I really hangs on a chapter, I ask myself with a paper and I list the scenes to write (not to forget history or to help me see the chapter). This is not really a plan, but that's what it looks like the most. Now I have made plans, I never followed, and I sometimes still do, just for the pleasure of not following them (no, but I'm not on purpose, eh!). For me to go exploring is the whole point of writing. If I planned everything, everything was planning, I could no longer enjoy writing and I would lose my motivation.

That said, I do not recommend my method: nothing like it to be a novel messy, complicated with a great story that goes in all directions. But hey, the writers of Lost have come to the end of their series (for better or worse ... rather harm than good, in my opinion), all hope is not lost on me.


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