Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Alberta Bill Of Sale Trailer

Man and Woman: complete incompatibility?

(man and woman
eyes Genetics)

If God created Eve from Adam's rib, it would have reproduced its genetic code. And, therefore, would be endowed with the same qualities as Adam. But a century of experience observing, which is now aware of the science tells us that man and woman were a god stuff is made independently of each other. FROM DIFFERENT CLAY.

... In this hour, quite impossible to park near the Champs Elysees. We twist for forty minutes, stopping in an increasingly distant lanes. I have long ceased to understand where we are and where the Champs Elysees. When her husband finally managed to stick the car, I asked him: "Where to go now, you know?" But he sure shows: there. As if his mind is working autopilot!
Testosterone, the male hormone sexual desire, and aggression (which is produced by and for women, but 20 times less!), directs the men's nature to conquer, to win. Strategist nature, he has the quality to quickly orient themselves on the ground, cover large areas of space intelligence and how to "see" them in my imagination entirely. Then the woman perceives the space is not big, she did not "see" and recognize the familiar landmarks, will: out of the pharmacy at the left ...

«Propylesos, please have dirty. - Is it? I somehow do not see where you found the dirt? »
« Where we have cheese? - Yells the husband at the open refrigerator. - You opened the refrigerator? Open your eyes now! "- Speak maliciously spouse.
Any woman know such scenes - the reasons for domestic quarrels. It never ceases to wonder: how can you not see what's under your nose? She suspects her husband (the son) in a lazy and looking for excuses! However, this "vision" of the brain, Indeed, the typical male. Its ability to scale, "telescopic" the perception of space turns into an inability to notice tear of the individual parts of the ensemble, while the female eye quickly selects the desired item from a group or separate it from the background.

course, these features characteristic not absolutely all men and women. Statistics say that approximately 20% of men peculiar to women's perceptions (instead of - or together - with their male features), and 10% of women have male perception. And in both cases is associated with deviations from normal testosterone levels: with such men it is below normal, while those women it is above the norm. In general, scientists have identified more than two differences in the mechanisms of brain functioning men and women!
Recent research geneticists found that the overall gene inheritance between man and ape is 98,4%. In this case, the total genetic basis between a man and a woman - only 96%! In other words, men and women are more similar to a monkey than to each other! In these seemingly insignificant, 4% margin falls, however, about 60 thousand different characteristics that differ from each other man and woman ... One may well ask: how can we still manage to find common language with each other?

Trunk the difference lies in the peculiarities of the natural "pre-programmed," the two sexes. The woman responsible for the future, for the reproduction of gender, and because it should always be "normal", she can not afford to rush into the unknown, fraught with danger. Instinct for survival and preservation of family laid in her genes. Anomaly is the same, ie deviation from the norm - is genetically male trait. It can be either positive or negative: mankind knows the brightest and most brilliant geniuses villains among men. Note that both the mutations characterized more often men than women. This pre-programmed Genetic nature of both sexes bred by pluses: man is a risk activity, change, search for the unknown. The woman - a guarantee of security for the genus as a whole. Her aspirations are directed at the traditional, order, stability: as usual, as it should, as did my mother. It is the opposite of aspiration of men, often destructive, into the unknown.

first violin in this difference is the male hormone testosterone. That it encourages the qualities necessary to war and for hunting: physical strength, reaction speed, impatience, aggressiveness, competition, the instinct of domination (subordination of) accuracy throw, physical endurance and perseverance, speed healing, beard and bald head, large-scale vision of space and orientation in it, love of adventure, new sensations and risk, high sexual reactivity and so on. Whence it follows logically that a woman without a comparable amount of testosterone, these qualities, or deprived, or they have it presented an immeasurably weaker. As a result, the difference in the perception of the world is enormous both sexes.
you reading right now these lines ... And you read them very differently, depending on whether you are a woman or a man. Modern technical means of investigation categorically declare that the brain works differently depending on gender. Woman perceives the text throughout the brain, and the man - only the left hemisphere, responsible for logical analysis and synthesis. It extracts the essential information, assess it critically, producing in the mind of a fast data processing. While the woman, reading the same text, takes it synthetically in the ensemble, but at the same time she notices, and the smallest detail that absorbs all the nuances and atmosphere of the text which assesses the subjective emotional parameters: cute or aversion ... The perception of women is much clearer and fuller, but it is also capable of perform other tasks at the same time - because her brain is included in full. The attention of both men have a higher concentration and more narrow focus, it is "radiation" and covers only one subject - which is why man can not be distracted and can not stand when he was distracted ...

There is a perception that women are more emotional than men. Error! Men are not less, if not more emotional! The difference is that men are restrained in expressing emotions, whereas women have irresistible urge to share their feelings. The woman lives in communion - a man lives in action in the competition. Already in childhood garden can be seen that the girls in the classroom talking to 4 times more than boys, but boys are 10 times more active in the movement. By a 9-year girls outperform boys in speech development and a half years! Women spend on the phone on average 4 times more time: they need to share their thoughts and emotions, to discuss the details, then as a man transmits and receives only the information necessary for the actions and decisions.
senses women are more sensitive and refined. Her hearing 2 times thinner, and it accurately reproduces the melody is 6 times more often than it is: her ear more receptive to the whole gamut of sounds, and she remembers them better.
It is 10 times more receptors on the skin sensitive to touch, which leads to its increased need to fondle and receive affection. Her fingers are more sensitive and accurate. She has a better developed sense of smell, and its sensitivity to odors can be a 100 (!) Times greater than that of men.
If a man's eyes "wide angle" (and, incidentally, more erotizirovano), the woman has a better visual memory, easier-versed in a large cluster of parts, quickly identify and distinguish between similar nuances of looks, colors and shapes.

mistaken one who considers these phenomena at the expense of education and social roles. These roles have developed by genetic features and natural selection, rather than vice versa. They crystallized at a time when she nursed offspring in a safe cave, and he goes to dangerous and often deadly shooting ... Observations of fraternal twins separated in infancy, they say that their perception of the world affects primarily genetic stock, then the prenatal period (associated with the mother's hormones), and only as a last resort - their upbringing.
Science categorically argues that the difference between a man and a woman - if not incompatibility - is predetermined by the genes ....

But it is not fatal, fortunately. Miracle Love is able to create a harmonious union of these two beings, completely different and even alien to their gene pool, but complement each other in their differences.


This is my author's translation of an article from the magazine Psychologies of 2003.

article in the journal based on interviews with
Serge Ginger est psychologue clinicien et psychothérapeute, secrétaire général de la Fédération française de psychothérapie (HWW), author of Gestalt therapy contact (men and groups, 2003) and Gestalt, the art of contact (Marabout, 2003), books translated into ten languages. He continued for twenty years of research in neuroscience and couples therapy.

Список литературы, которая также легла в основу статьи:
Sex emotions Alain Poacher (Odile Jacob, 1996).
Me too, me more: 1001 differences gender Yvon Dallaire (Option Health, 2003).
Men are from Mars, Women Are from Venus by John Gray (Michel Lafon, 1999).
The brain has a gender? Simon Le Vay (Flammarion, 1994).
Why men never listen and women can not read maps by Allan and Barbara Pease (First edition, 2002).


Другой материал, близкий по теме:


People with similar genotypes, "find" each other independently and under the influence of "artificial selection": the hobby groups, sports clubs and schools. True to form strong friendship or simply a good relationship requires not only equally rotated brains and common interests - must "feel" the mood and emotion his companion, to predict its behavior on the bells at the subconscious level. Such abilities (empathy) are almost primary role in family relationships and at work.

Testosterone vs. emotion

known that women more accurately guess the mood of his companion and "smooth out rough edges." Moreover, this ability innate in women, do not succumb to "practice". Yak van Honk (Jack van Honk) from the University of Utrecht (Utrecht University) and his colleagues note that women's empathy makes itself felt in psychological tests: a man with a job on empathy and emotion coping guessing a lot worse.

Scientists believe that the pronounced sexual dimorphism of empathy - the result of the presence of male hormones. In particular, testosterone, which "reshapes" the brain at the stage of embryonic development. For example, it is confirmed, that the emotional characteristics and behavior of adolescents was partly dependent on what "portion" of testosterone went to child during from the twelfth to the nineteenth week of fetal development. Moreover, there is a well-founded theory that autistic disorders spectrum shaped by a "fetal" testosterone. That is, children who are not able to find common ground with the outside world, probably "Overeat" male hormones before birth. And in a study conducted from 2002 to 2006, scientists found an inversely proportional relationship between the concentration of testosterone in the fetal (amniotic) fluid and non-verbal contact with the baby's mother and the world. These
and other data suggest that testosterone has an impact on a person's ability "to understand and feel" around the world and other people.

Yak van Honk and colleagues suggest that the hormonal effect on the ability to empathize and "feel" the mood companion: an excess of testosterone "scores" empathy. For the experiment, the scientists selected the sixteen healthy young women (20-25 years) who had never have not taken any hormonal medications (except contraceptives). During the experiment, the hormonal background of the subjects was not "Distorted" menstrual surgery.

researchers invited the girls to describe the mood of the photographs of the upper part of the face (Eyes and eyebrows). Subjects performed tasks in a normal condition and under the influence of testosterone. It was found that with increasing concentration testosterone in the blood of the girls lost their "innate" ability. In this case, the male hormone did not change the mood of the subjects.

«Previous Scientists conducted a similar study with men - study authors write. - Then they found that female hormones, "teach" men empathy. " The article Testosterone administration impairs cognitive empathy in women depending on second-to-fourth digit ratio, published in PNAS, researchers describe in more detail the effect of testosterone on the communication.


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