Monday, October 18, 2010

Hitachi Blue Dots On Screen

Under your eyes - translation (part 17)

We continue translation of Laurence Lemarshal Sous ton regard - "Under your eyes" . In today's article we begin a new - the fifth - the chapter.

Recall that all parts of the translation of the book in chronological order, you can easily read using a special tag Sous ton regard .

Chapter 5


They go through all of our lives
They elevate us to the infinity
and help us get out of the darkness

They fill our hearts
everything turns us inside
and often lead us to calm

Lost sight, broken fate
Kinderwunschzentrum, Saving Lives
Tears always a place

No matter what we see
No matter what we live
They always give us a choice
To get out of sadness ...

Gregory Lemarshal

Of course, I'm not the most objective person in the world when talking about Gregory. But I am conscious of that. I began to believe that he had information of great artist, much earlier than the beginning of this whole chorus of praise that followed his death. And I did not change his opinion. Just now I was hurt on the this talk, the words seemed stuck in my head and I still can not well express my emotions when I think about it - and he's so good at singing on their own. It is this quality, this gift of God, allowed him to touch so many hearts. Greg did not try to please anyone when he sang, he just drew inspiration in the joys and sufferings, which alternately was noted all his existence, to give all myself, completely, without reserve, here and now. And it is absolutely self-abandonment, the sincerity and generosity of this that he exuded, just could not deceive his audience. He was just himself. Greg's voice has been closely connected with feelings. Ivan Cassar, who every day spent with him all his time between recording the album, he asked how such a shy and reserved guy could give such emotions. Perhaps he succeeded precisely because of these emotions that he so well in his sublimates the lyrics Elles - «They" were very long been hidden somewhere deep inside him and was silent, but he could not find a better way to express them, than to sing.
From the very beginning of his amazing propensity to perform any songs I just hit. In every song, whatever it was, he put something of my own, and despite such a young age, he was able to give According to the weight to better convey all the nuances of history. A little later, the scene of old academy, I was delighted with the ease with which he made his even those songs that were unfamiliar to him or strangers. Until the very soul touched me his performance SOS d'un terrien en détresse and impressed speech Et maintenant with Gilbert Becaud song. Literally a week earlier, Gregory especially did not even know this song. He listened attentively to her only once in my life ... when I was in my stomach: just as the year when I was pregnant with him, I went to a concert Beco! At first he did not understand why he chose Mattei rut this song for the finale. He believed that it is not enough well it opens, and would prefer to be given anything from Celine Dion - Her repertoire has always brought him luck on the important auditions. But in the end he trusted choice Mattei and delivered just fine. Feet are firmly on the ground - as it had previously always taught Francoise Wiesner, his teacher vocals - think forward and deep ... he gave a whole palette of different emotions, in turn, is fragile, the strong, the temptation to life, then furious. And, staying true to himself, all these emotions, he drew only within themselves.


victory in Star Academy has not changed our son. After winning we are with him and Пьером и Лесли – наконец-то все вместе – находились в номере отела Руаял Монсо, где продюсеры программы поселили Грегори. И в четыре часа утра он вдруг посмотрел at us and said: "Listen, since we had won a million!". Before him, it just came. And he once again stopped to think about it. For him, the only what mattered was that precious disk that it can now be written.
When we left the hotel, most of the entire staff lined up in the lobby to say goodbye to Greg. I think they all liked this simple guy who's never built out of a Hollywood star. Pierre parked front of the hotel right next to a string of gleaming Mercedes cars. And he was a pickup! But without such a machine was not enough - but how else to take away into Savoy Mountain luggage, gifts and bags of letters and an exercise bike? However, the hotel staff for a long time dying of laughter at the sight of such a contrast.
We are simple people, and Gregory never liked "pontovatsya. And he did not squander his million euros left and right. He was from the outset well understood that this does not win the lottery and that alone taxes have gone about forty percent of the amount. And most importantly - a million euros, which wins the winner of Star Ak, is nothing as an advance against future profits from the sale of CDs. Which means that it must then be returned to the results of his work, he will give this debt of that percentage, which relies on sales of the album artist, which means that it is likely he will not be a long time to get none at all profits - until he should pay the entire million entirely.
Yet he allowed himself a little pleasure in the form of buying a new car and new mobile phone - It's been two of his biggest weaknesses. Greg loved to drive a car and spent most of his days with his ear pressed against the tube. By the way, sometimes he behaved almost just uncivilized: he could talk to you face to face and at the same time feverishly scribbling sms to your friends or his father. These two have even arranged between a competition! Pierre dictated to Greg about it, and he had to type them in smsku without looking at the buttons. Happened is that he starts to send these sms their right during any meeting. I have never approved such a passion!
And the rest ... he did not run in the boutiques of Place Vendome Square to buy his expensive watch, and went to expensive shops on the streets of San Honore, to purchase a new luxury clothing, and began to walk the secular party in fashionable places in show business. The latter, incidentally, in any event, it is forbidden. It may be, and would sometimes attend such meetings, since it could allow him to make new friends, but while smoking in public places has been allowed, and he could not breathe out there. When Gregory participated in any television shows, most people have provided us this favor and do not smoke in his presence behind the scenes. Otherwise it all the time sat locked in his dressing room until there came his turn to go on stage. Most often in the role of "police" have acted Olivier, to avoid any kind of disagreement. In most cases, people understand. But occasionally there were also very real assholes.
example, one day at noon in the nearly empty restaurant, a man lit a cigarette, just a couple of meters from Gregory. Olivier began to resent, sitting in his chair, but Greg did not want to be noticed and drew attention to it. However, Olivier still got up and went to this monsieur, to politely ask him for a few minutes to refrain from smoking. Answer: Yes I wanted to spit with a high bell tower on your Lemarshalya Gregory! ". And he calmly continued to tighten. Thank you, monsieur. We are so happy for all patients with cystic fibrosis that finally passed a law banning smoking in public places.

For the remainder of winning, and with the help of a mortgage Greg also bought a small apartment. We were forced to make his sureties, because no bank would give credit to patients with cystic fibrosis. Definitely sick people in France do not have the right to even make plans for the future. But be that as it may, but Greg wanted to leave the center of Paris, where she was for him too bad ecology, and found himself two-bedroom apartment of sixty square feet in one of the western residential districts. The apartment was not luxurious, but most importantly - there was little balcony and the tall windows of almost the entire wall, it gave the impression of spaciousness, and there it was easier to breathe. And, of course, as before, Gregory could not stop and stop spoiling their loved ones. But he liked to give is not material things, and pleasant moments. If he gave expensive gifts, he would have thought he was this how to buy people. Therefore, instead of gifts, he just might pay for all the restaurant bill, reduce the friends take a walk, invite for the holidays.
Thus, In summer 2005, he insisted to shoot a big house by the sea - in this house could stop all members of our family and friends. Since the Mediterranean climate in this time of year for him was too hot, we went to the island of Ré. We had about twenty people, and it's just incredible memories. I think this is were the most wonderful vacation we have ever spent together. And by the way, next year, Gregory invited all there again. I often think about these beautiful moments of complete understanding and fun, and tell myself that I was very fortunate that they have ever had. Greg then was still in great shape. In this house on the island Fe, I saw how he was a carefree fun, playing sports, relax and just rest, and he's always been like Energizer batteries. Make it just sit still and quietly, for example, to read, it was even impossible to imagine. Well, only if it is not talked about is really exciting detective story or comic strip. When he was small, and we left him to rest, it was not any forces to pull us on a tour to see some landmark or monument. All he wanted is to play tennis or swim. Do nothing more than a few days, was always higher than its strength. To do nothing meant to allow Cystic Fibrosis again to take his thoughts and get over it an advantage. Doing nothing was like to invite the worst enemy at his desk.

Translation - [info] petite_fee

be continued ...

translation belongs to the project «Gregory Lemarchal in Russia," any use without our permission - is prohibited.


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