Sunday, November 14, 2010

How To Strip Mighty Muggs

JAZZ or the birth of a new time.

magnificent series on the history of jazz, filmed by Ken Burns (Ken Burns) - one of the most famous documentary of America (Russian translation, Unique footage, the spirit of the era).

Film 1. "Love Potion" (The Birth of Jazz - 1917)

History of Jazz began in the 90th years of the nineteenth century in New Orleans, where, apparently, the air itself is filled with music, marching bands, Creole melodies, arias of Italian operas ... From this juicy varieties were born syncopated rhythms Ragtime, pinching the sounds of blues - all that very soon, at the dawn of the new century, will be called the word "jazz." While little who heard this music, it played only by black musicians, and only in establishments red light district, Storivillya. But in 1917 Storivill close, musicians leave to seek his fortune in Chicago, and the orchestra under the title "Original Dixieland Jazz Band" writes several plays, instantly became hits. "Jazz Rush "covers America. Comes the twentieth century, and along with it - the era of jazz ...

Movie 2. "Dar" (1917-1924)

Begin "roaring twenties" - Prohibition and underground dives, the free manners and fast rhythms - a decade, went down in history as the "Jazz Age". Jazz now have two of Mecca, two poles, two great capitals: Chicago and New York. Live here and create two giants: Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington. Plate with recordings of jazz, Paul Wightman diverge millions. In the ballroom, where the orchestra plays the black Fletcher Henderson, no room to swing a cat. However, getting there can be only white visitors ... In 1924, Henderson invited to New York, Louis Armstrong and the entire world know what a swing.

Movie 3. "Our Language" (1924-1929)

in America - a rapid growth the stock market. Jazz sounds everywhere. Come to the forefront of implementing virtual- tuozy: Bix Bayderbek, young Benny Goodman. The song "Queen of Blues" Bessie Smith leads to a new Negro recording industry. And without the huge popularity of The Cotton Club in Harlem is just incredible when it starts to act Duke Ellington. Sam Ellington, whose music radio brought to every house - now a national hero. At the same time, Louis Armstrong, his inimitable solo, improvisation, singing, skate, and an unsurpassed masterpiece - "West End Blues" - open a new page in the history of jazz.

film 4. "Great comforter" (1929-1934)

During the Great Depression, jazz - the only outlet for a repressed and confused America. Louis Armstrong performs revolutionized the very concept of popular music and became the first star of American pop music. Best dance halls of Harlem conquered new dance "Lindy Hop" the orchestra of Chick Webb. Music of Duke Ellington crossed genre framework, and reached such heights that the criticism of Ellington announces new Stravinsky. Benny Goodman tour was marked by a brilliant performance in Los Angeles. Sounds of his big band brought to mind hundreds of people who came into the hall, "Palomar". Now they do not just dance all night - they swing, because there comes Swing Era.

film 5. "Swing: pure pleasure" (1935-1937)

From now on, jazz a new name - the swing. The music of their idols - Tommy Dorsey, Jimmy Lunsford, Benny Goodman and Glenn Miller - young jitterbug like mad, this rock 'n' roll 30's. Billie Holiday, the most talented and tragic singer century takes its first steps in jazz. And in Chicago, speaking shoulder to shoulder in one scene, Benny Goodman and Teddy Wilson make the revolution and show that jazz does not recognize racial discrimination. Benny Goodman and Chick Webb fought in the famous "Battle of Music Century May 11, 1937. Four thousand dancers, filling the failure to Harlem Ballroom Savoy, witnessed the grand duel between the two giants, after which Goodman became known as the "King of Swing".

film 6. "Swing: unbridled celebration" (1937-1941)

Great Depression continues and jazz is experiencing its heyday. All crazy on the saxophone, and America applauded the saxophonist Lester Young and Kolmenu Hawkins. On the jazz scene appears More and more women, but they often face misunderstanding and discrimination from critics and colleagues. But at this time Ella Fitzgerald becomes led the orchestra, replacing the deceased Chick Webb, and begins golovokruzhitel nuyu solo career. Jazz declared a national treasure: for the first time in history he sounds into the inner sanctum of America - Carnegie Hall.

... and then there was war and it is other times, but jazz lived and gave the world himself, but that's another story ... and other series from 7th to 12 th))


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